Japanese yen and Japanese
From last December
till today,Japanese yen continues to devaluated.And the devaluation
has comes to almost 25%.
We get the
application fee all year round,mostly,we ask our world wide runners
to remit to our Japanese bank account.And when your fee comes to our
Japanese bank account,Japanese bank will transfer it the same day to
japanese yen and put it into our bank account.
According to what
we know,the devaluation of Japanese yen will be continuing.We feel
that the more we have japanese yen,the more danger we would meet.
And not so many
runners know that for each deal of the application fee,the Japanese
bank will charge 1500 Yen as their commission.That is to say,when
you pay 198USD to us,we can get only 185USD.
And this has been
continued for over 12 years.This is not a small amount of money.
So from now,we
even offer two bank account information to our worldwide runners,one
is the Japanese bank Resona,which is written on the official online
application form,and the other is Bank of China,and we have never
put that on the official Online Application form of Great wall of
China Marathon.
So from June
2014,we might officially put our bank account at Bank of China on
the official Online Application of Great wall of China Marathon
And from
tomorrow,when we contact our worldwide runners for paying the
Application fee/entry fee,for the Great Wall of China Marathon 2014
Tours,and for the DVD,etc. we would begin to stress that to remit
your fee to our Chinese Bank accounts,either Bank of China or Postal
Savings Bank of China.
Thank you very
much for your understanding and thank you all very much for your
greatest support.
Great Wall of China Marathon 2014
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2014:
Previous News---
Please Contact for the details:
Our Official websites in Beijing:
Our supporting website in Tokyo
