More than 150 Worldwide Runners have Applied to run Great Wall of
China Marathon 2014(May
Since we started
the compaign for Great Wall of China Marathon 2014,more than 150
worldwide runners and their best friends and family members have
much benefit from our 50% discount.
This is the
biggest compaign we have been doing since the beginning of Great
wall of China Marathon more than 10 years ago.The compaign started
from May 18 till may 28,May.
If you apply any
time from now till May 28,your application fee is just 98USD,not
198USD,and from May 29,2013,the application fee would go back to its
normal price 198USD.
We remember always
several months before the race that there are any discount?And the
applicatiom fee is the same for Chinese and for overseas
participants?Our answer is always YES.
When some day you
asked a Chinese runner about his application fee,when he tell you
98USD,or 588RMB,you would know that he applied any time between May
18 till May 28,2013.
different in this biggest compaign ever is that we even offer the
50% discount of the Great Wall of China Marathon 2014 Tours.
Here are the
details from Option 1 to Option 8.Your application is the
normal price offer there divided by two.
Wall of China Marathon 2014 Tours__Part 1 (May 20,2013)New!
Great Wall of China Marathon 2014 Tours__Part
2(May 20,2013)New!
Some runners
applied to use the tours in April 2013,that is last month,for
example,Mr.Brent Stroebel applied to use Option 3 with 398USD,he
asked the further questions,we told him that if he further to use
any of the tours in Option 4 to Option 8,he any travel further in
China,and get the even 111USD more discount.
We told Mr.Brent
Stroebel that we worry too much about the devaluation of Japanese
yen,and we suggested him not to make the further payment to our
Japanese bank account,here is the reason.
Japanese yen and Japanese bank(May 22,2013)New!
So this bank
account would most and first appear before all the worldwide runners
from now till the April 30,2014,the day before the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2014 is held.
Bank : Bank of China
Beijing Zhongguancun Nandajie Subbranch
C# Centergate Technologies Development Mansion
Account name(beneficiary's name):
Zhu Guihua
Card Number: 621758 0100000799627
卡†: 621758 0100000799627
Bank Phone Number:+86-10-62140798
Swift Code:BKCHCNBJ110
Bank Address:
No.34 Zhongguancun Nandajie Subbranch
Beijing China (Zip Code:100081)
Mr.Sam Chong will have more of
his new runners to Great Wall of China Marathon 2014,and 50 runners
from his super team have applied and made the payment,and we will
write to him next Monday for his newly coming runners to Great Wall
of China Marathon 2014.
Thank you very much,all our worldwide runners, for your warmest application and
your greatest support today!
Great Wall of China Marathon 2014
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2014:
Previous News---
Please Contact for the details:
Our Official websites in Beijing:
Our supporting website in Tokyo
