Love at Potala(August 7,2013)
More worldwide
runners and their friends and their family members are appyling to
to run the Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1,2014.
Among them some of
them have applied to use the Option 8:
Beijing-Tibet Tours of Great Wall of
China Marathon 2014.
That this to
say,after the race day on May 1,the runners will fly from Beijing to
Lhasa Tibet.
One of the scenes you will see from the Promotion Video of Great
Wall of China Marathon 2014.This photo was taken before Potala
Palace in Lhasa Tibet today(August 7,2013).
So in the
Promotion Video of Great Wall of China Marathon 2014,you would see
the Tibet Scene.
We are spending
one week in Tibet.Tibet is so nice,so beautiful.The super experience
could be the same as you run the Great Wall of China Marathon 2014.
The Tibet tour after Great Wall of China Marathon 2014 is 1368USD.The deadline of
the application for the option tour is March 30,2013.And if you apply after March
31-till April 15,the fee would become 1668USD,and after April
15,2014,we do not accept the Tibet Option 8 application.
And if you apply
from now till August 31,2014,we can offer you 100USD discount.If you
apply with your family or your friends,we can offer you group
discount,please write to us to inquiry.
Thank you all very
much for your greatest support from our hearts for your warmest
Great Wall of China Marathon 2014
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2014:
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