Today,we received the email from Mr.Jon De Leon,and he has come
typical questions which would be commonly and frenquently asked by
the worldwide runners for Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on
May 1,2014.
We printed the original email of Mr.Jon De Leon from USA,and answer
the questions:
HI there I have made a deposit into the bank on China on
12/17/13. Also I no need to enter the full Marathon but just the
half Marathon will be ok for me.
I need to know what times the bus from Beijing to the Great Wall
will leave on April 30th. Also how many buses will there be?
What times will the bus leave the Great Wall to go back to Beijing
on My 1st and May 2nd?
Will there be any buses from the Airport to and from the Great Wall?
So far you have reserve a single room (Alone) for me on April 30th,
right? How far is the from the start line? How can I get to the
start line? Bus or walk?
Jon De Leon
Question No.1:Change the running distance:
Mr.Jon De Leon applied in his online application that he would like
to run the full marathon,but he wanted to change to run the half
marathon.The change is OK,we would like to mention that such such
change,we hope the worldwide runners could do this change any time
from now till April 15,2014.
Question No.2:Bus departure time on April 30,2014:
Because the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2014 would for the
first time to start its races at 6AM,so some runners prefer t
overnight by the side of the Great Walls on April 30,2014,and we
have already accpeted the reservation from some runners,so we will
arrange the bus to the Great Walls on April 30,2014,and
the departure time would be around 2PM on April 30,2014
from Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel,the official hotel
downtown Beijing for the registration of all the worldwide runners
before the race.We will estimated that there would be around 100
runners to be there,so we would arrange twobig buses to the Great
Question No.3:What times will the bus leave the Great Wall to go
back to Beijing on My 1st and May 2nd?
Well,the race would start at 6AM and end at 4PM on May 1,2014,and
almost all the buses would come back to Beijing after the
race.Considering that some runners would finish the race early,so
from GWCM2012 and GWCM2013,we arranged the early buses back to
Beijing after their race.
To be more exact,when the 50-seat bus is full,that bus would leave
the Great Walls for downtown Beijing,the bus would come back to
Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel.If you want to leave early,you
should write your names at our paper after the explanation meeting
at Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel on April 30,2014.You can
also tell us by email in advance.
And we know that there would be over 26 runners from Great Britain
would like to come back to Beijing from the Great Walls in the
morning of May 2,2014,so we would arrange a bus for this group,and
if you also would like to go back to Beijing on May 2,2014,please
let us know,we will make the arrangement for you.
Question No.4:Will there be any buses from the Airport to and
from the Great Wall?
No,there are not any public buses from the Airport to and from the
Great Walls,and there are even not any public buses between downtown
Beijing and the Great Walls.
If anyone who who need us to arrange the transportation for you from
the Great Walls to the airport after the race on May 1,2014, we can
arrange the taxi for you,but it is very limited,please tell us this
in advance.
If you want to go to the Great Walls directly by taxi from the
airport,it would take you about 150USD.There is no evening/night
taxi to the Great Walls.
Question No.5:So far you have reserve a single room (Alone) for
me on April 30th, right? How far is the from the start line? How can
I get to the start line? Bus or walk?
Yes,we have already booked the hotel rooms and the hostel rooms for
more than 50 runners from Great Britain,from USA,from Sweden and
from France and from the Phillippines,and it is about 1.2KM from the
hotel/hostel to the start line.You can walk up there by yourself.
Well,if anyone world runners would have any questions about the
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2014,please feel free to write
to us or call us.We will reply you timely.
Thank you all very much,all our worldwide runners,for your warmest
application today!
Beijing Hotline:+86-15101680346