Japanese Hotline Opens in Japan Today(June 27, 2006)
On May 1,2007,about 1000 participants from the world are expected
to be on the Great Wall of China Marathon organized by the Chinese
people.This will also be the 6th Great Wall of China Marathon.
Japan is the largest market at present,because we have been
getting the largest overseas groups/participants from Japan,and with
the warmest support from Japanese people,and from today,a hotline in
Japanese language is open from today.
Our Japanese managers/staffs in Japan will offer you the best
service in helping you easily participate the Great Wall of China
Marathon next Spring.
And is hotline is also served for the Chinese Language Speech
Contest to be held in Beijing on August 8,2008.
The hotline number is 090-4291-4338.
We are very pleased that a Travel Service in Nagoya Japan made
the first call to the line.There will be no question that you will
see more new Japanese companies with their participants to the Great
Wall of China Marathon 2007,and the Chinese Speech Contest on 42
days from today.
We warmly welcome you for your participation.