Real Heroes Will Be Born Soon(April 21,2009)
In 10 days away,the Great Wall of China Marathon organized by
totally Chinese will be held on the Great Walls in Beijing!
Our first overseas runner would fly to Beijing on April 23,and
our last runner would get to Beijing almost 1 hour before the
running day on May 1,2009!
They will become the heroes because it is them who applied to
participate the Great Wall of China Marathon at the time when the
world economy is in the greatest recessions!
They will become the heroes because they are the very rare group
of people in this world now who have the highest perspective towards
the true spirit of Great Wall of China Marathon!
They will become the heroes because they are the first group
runners who would make the new record by leaving most all their
running steps and much of their sweat on the Great Walls of
China,and their time can never be matched!
We will tell more of them to you and they will tell more to the
And let us very happily tell you that in 2010 runners from 22
countries would come to run the 9th Great Wall of China Marathon!
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