The Warmth of the Runners in Spanish Speaking
Countries (August 26,2010)
Something special we feel
much in August 2010 is the warmth of the people in Spanish-speaking
countries,no matter they are from Europe or from the Latin America.
Sabrina and her friends are
the first one who showed us the warmth before and after Great Wall
of China Marathon(GWCM) 2010.
Now Fernando and Ivan are
the second group that we could once again feel the warmth.
Fernando is the governmental
official, and he told us that he would bring more of his people to
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on Sunday May 1,2011.
Ivan is one of the latest
excellent runners who submitted the
Online Application of Great Wall
of China Marathon 2011. We told him that we would
like to do our best for him in Beijing.
This is also and this has
been what we have been doing for the world people and the world
runners to Great Wall of China Marathon in the past 10 years.
Thank you all very much, the
runners and the friends of Chinese people from 85 different
countries and regions up till now.
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