Japanese Spirits Seen at Great Wall
of China Marathon on May 1,2011(June 2,2011)

Mr. Sugawara Kei, Mr.
Seki Kotarou and Miss. Kawaguchi
Mariko are three Japanese participants from Sendai Japan.
On March 11,2011,a huge earthquake and the Tsunami hit
northeast Japan, and their hometown was also
badly damaged and many of their people died.
They submitted their
application forms by fax to run the Great Wall of China Marathon
several days before the disaster. And the
first video LIVE report the whole world saw was just from their
hometown Sendai.
Photo by Mr.Li Chin Fai from Hongkong
We could not get in touch
with them, we got extremely worried about them. We looked for them
in all special websites, we could not find them.We dared not to call
them.We watched Japanese TV every day about the earthquake and
tsunami,and our hearts became heavier and heavier.
At the end of March,
we finally dialed the mobile phone of Mr.
Sugawara Kei, very magically and very fortunately,
we heard the voice of Mr. Sugawara Kei again.
"Are you
still alive?" we asked, but he laughed on the other side of the
phone. We felt the heavy stones in our hearts away. They are all
When the
phone call was over, we immediately wrote a long email in Japanese
to them, we said " nothing is better than we are still alive".
At the end
of April, we were surprised by them again, they had decided to come
to run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2011 in Beijing!

Mariko applied to run 5km.She took a rest after her

Mr. Seki
Kotarou applied to run the half marathon.

Mr. Sugawara Kei
applied to run the full marathon, and his time was 7:20:04.He was
running up the Great Walls.

We all are
very much moved by them, the three heroes. The Great Wall of China
Marathon will forever remember their stories, their footsteps and
their smiles on the Great Walls!
spirits is also the typical spirit of Japanese people, and we
believe Japanese people would overcome the difficulties.
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2012:
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