Elevation Maps for Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2012(October 5,2011)
We have been busy with
making the elevation maps after our survey on October 24 and
25,2011.It is completely done today.
This two maps are coming not
very easily. Nobody in the world knows that we even worked till the
very dark night on the Great Walls for collecting the data.
This two maps will help the
worldwide runners to make the best results at the Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1,2012.
Elevation Map for Full
Marathon of GWCM 2012.
Elevation Map for Full
Marathon of GWCM 2012.
And click the two maps,you
could see the big size maps.
Thank you all very much
every day from the bottoms of all our hearts for you
application every day !
Great Wall of China Marathon 2012 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2012:
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