Travel Services Are Coming(November 5,2011)
Right after a Danish travel
service took the lead in Europe to collect the runners/participants
for the Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1,2012,and
yesterday another travel company in Germany also contacted us for
organizing German runners for the Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2012.
And today, a second largest
travel service in Japan started to accept the application for
Japanese to run Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012.
This is just a beginning,
and we firmly believe we will see the most travel services ever with
their runners/participants at the Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2012.
We are making our efforts
every day for the whole world runners/participants no matter you
come by your own self or by your friend groups/clubs or from the
travel services.All of you would be best entertained on the most
beautiful Great Walls in the whole China on May 1,2012.
It is only 178 Days to go!
Chinese people are opening our very open and very warm hearts
welcoming you!

We started a countdown board
from October 1,2011 every day!

And today, tonight ,November 5,2011,in Beijing,
our Chinese friendship ambassador for Great Wall of China Marathon
Great Wall of China Marathon 2012 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2012:
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Please Contact for the details:
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Our supporting website in Tokyo