New Year 2012 to You All!(December 30,2011)
this morning, it is a telephone from Lily in Canada that called us a
new start of a day for the Great Wall of China Marathon 2012.Lily
spoke Chinese in the phone to us and telling that her best two
friends Tyler and Wil would like to know how they remit us the
application fee and the train fee from Beijing to Hangzhou.
immediately contacted May in Canada to ask the direct help for the
new runners there.Later,May replied us all well by her iphone.
are working day and night for our worldwide new applicants and
runners.We will continue to work tomorrow the last day of the 2011
and also work on the first day of 2011.Please feel free to contact
us by email, phone or/and fax.Thank you all very much!
At this
moment, we would for the first time to express our heart-felt thanks
and our greatest thanks to all the people in this world who have run
and who will run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1.
At this
moment, we would for the first time to express our heart-felt thanks
and our greatest thanks to all the people in this world who have
helped to organize and who are now working for the runners and
participants to the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012.
Also all
our thanks to all the families and supporters,and all we might not
have mentioned here.
A very
Happy New Year 2012 to You All!

Countdown of GWCM
2012: 123 days to go
Great Wall of China Marathon 2012 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2012:
Previous News---
Please Contact for the details:
Our Official websites in Beijing:
Our supporting website in Tokyo