Photos:Valentine's Day Countdown For the Whole World Runners(February 14,2012)
First,Happy Valentine's Day to the whole world runners and the whole
world people!
Today we
got the Great Wall of China Marathon Tours 2012 Application fee 2084
USD from May's Travel in Canda,and four more new runners and their
children join May's running team to Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2012.
Today in
Beijing,a British runner Mr.Dominic Edmondson told us that he would
make the payment tomorrow.
early this morning in Japan,we sent our GWCM 2012 Tours' materials
to a new Japanese runner in Tokyo named Mr.Abe Ryota.
around 3:30PM in Beijing,the Friendship Ambassador took the three
countdown photos for all our worldwide runners at this special
Valentine's Day!Please see the three photos below.
is coming closer to the open of the Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2012,and more and more runners are keeping the contacts with
us,and we are working very hard every day to accept the very kind
and very active worldwide runners/participants.
Click the above countdown photos today
,you could see the large size.
Thank you all very much
from all our hearts for your warmest application and your greatest
support today!
Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012 :
77 days to go
Great Wall of China Marathon 2012 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2012:
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Our supporting website in Tokyo