Photos:Stair Training for Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012(February

This is
a photo we received yesterday from a runner in Canada. She dose the
stair training very often.
the normal marathon on the smooth roads/streets in the city, the
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012 has 20,518 steps on the
stairs for full marathon runners.
If you
hope to feel well on May 1,2012,it is very necessary that you pay
much attention on the stair-training very often.
Japanese runner who hopes to get a good result at Great Wall of
China Marathon 2012 told us recently that it is good if you could
find a stairs with over 100 steps, and run back and forth 5 times
every day. He felt his muscle very painful in the first days of
training, but he is challenging himself.
But we
think everyone is different, if you do the stair training, you could
do the short distance in the beginning and increase the distance
gradually.And finally some time in the mid-April,if you could easily
run the stairs for over 20km/30km,you would not feel so tired for
the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012.
those who care nothing about the results, you can so fully enjoy the
most beautiful Great Walls in China with 8 hours by running at your

Click the countdown photo today
,you could see the large size.
Thank you all very much
from all our hearts for your warmest application and your greatest
support today!
Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012 :
63 days to go
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Wall of China Marathon 2012:
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