Namelist of the Runners at Great Wall of China Marathon 2010 and
2011(June 3,2012)
From next week,we will modify some parts of the homepage of the
Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM),so that we can best serve the
runners who will run the Great Wall of China Maratho on May 1,2013
in Beijing.
In this news,we for the first time to move the namelist of the
very distinguished runners at Great Wall of China Marathon 2010 and the runners at the
Great Wall of China Marathon 2011 from the frontpage to this news.We will forever
remember you,and we will add a search engine from tomorrow,so that when
you input your name,you still can be seen here.
Thank you all very much from all our hearts.
Part of Confirmed runners:
Sejin Ko
Han Yookyung
Jess Loo
Kevin Loo
Satake Seijiro
Natalie Yiu
Joseph Lim
Kawahata Kensuke
Rene Hendriksen
Hans Hendriksen
Gaspar Villanueva
Shane O'Day
Christine Burns
Hayashi Naoya
Hayashi Emiko
Eva Baker
Danielle Sumita
Seong Jeon Lee
Takashi Tanaka
Nahoko Tanaka
Tara Perry
David Sampson
Sundeep Ruchchan
Korinna Espinosa
Brian McConiville
Tracey Wahlberg
Ivy Molina etc.
Confirmed runners from Mar. 17:
Sebastian Owen/0317 Paul
Denham/0317 YuenYeeDenham/0317 Yuki Kurihara/0318 Shinya Yamade/0318
Hiroaki Satou/0318 Jutaro Matsumoto/319 Kok Hung Ng/0319
Wife of Kok Hung/0319 Sumio Tsujii/0320 Eri
Tanaka/0320 Sachise Etou/0320 Kanako
Suruga/0323 Kristen's Father/0323 Kristen's Mother/0323
YoshieKobayashi/0325 John Liptak/0325 Cristina Ng/0325
Carolyn Chan/0325
Jenap M.Said/0326
Dothan Kwok/0326 Troy Hogan/0326
Yu Ling Chau/0327 WaiYeeCheung/0327 Chris Andrew/0327
Anthony Carango/0328 Sarah Milner/0328 Deanne Bradbery/0328
Andrew Terlich/0329 ChelseaBorchers/0329
Emily Ainsworth/0329 Petra Wright/0330 Francisco Toriz/0330
Jonathon Shaller/0330 Darin Swanson/0331 Trisha
Swanson/0331 KristenPaupanekis/0331 Eiji Kurokawa/0401
Hideki Iioka/0401 Arrann Young/0401 Kenji Naka/0402
Chitsuru Satou/0402 Zhu Yi Ping/0402
Fumio Tsunota/0405 Andrew's wife/0405 Andrew's child/0405
MichinobuFukuta/0406 Magie Iwanaga/0407 Ed Pockney/0407 TadeuszSzewczak/0407
YoshihikoTokunaga/0412 MasanobuFushimi/0412
SadamitsuTakatori/0412 ChiharuShirayishi/0412 Mika Murai/0412
Mariko Konno/0412 SachikoKurokawa/0413 YoshiakiTakahashi/0413
Shinji Katagiri/0413 Shuhan He/0420
Ivan Chew/0420 Sabrina Cutropia/0420
Japanesereporter1/0421 Japanesereporter2/0421 Yosuke
Photos of the above runners at
Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013:
332 days to go
Great Wall of China Marathon 2013 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2013:
Previous News---
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