Turning Point for Half Marathon Runners at Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013(Sept.20,2012)

This is a new photo we
took with Iphone on the Great Walls in Beijing.You can click the
picture to see the large size.
5KM and 10KM runners would
never come to this section.The watchtower with the two windows in
the middle is the turning poing for the half marathon runners at the
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013.
We will have the signboard
on May 1,2013 right before this tower that the half marathon runners
would turn back.
And only the full marathon
will continue to run the Great Walls in Beijing ahead.
We estimated that we would
have many half and many full marathon runners at Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2013,so the full marathon will run pass this watch
tower first,and half marathon will run the different parts of the
Great Walls first together with the 5km and 10km runners and then
come to this part finally.
Thank you all very
much,our very nice worldwide runners ,for your warmest application
and your greatest support today!
Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013:
223 days to go
Great Wall of China Marathon 2013 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2013:
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