The Ballet on the Great
Wall after One Year(Sept.29,2012)
In the later September
last year,our
crew went to Jinshanling Great Wall to film the promotion video for
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2012.
It is the ballerina who
became the actress in the promotion video 2012,and she became the
first one in the world who danced ballet on the Great Walls.
One of the visitors
released the photos about the ballerina he took that day on the
Great Walls.
One year has passed,
We are very surprised and
very happy to know even till today that the runners who have applied
to run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013 are mostly
from France.(By the way,British runners rank the second largest
number of all the worldwide applicants till today.)
Maybe it is because France
is the birthplace of Ballet.
Ballet is beautiful,but
the Great Walls where all our worldwide runners would run on May
1,2013 is the most beautiful part in the whole China.
Below is a new video by
CCTV,and you could see the trace of the ballerina girl today.
Happy weekend!Tomorrow
would be China's mid Autumn Festival,and happy festival to you all!
Thank you all very much,our very nice worldwide runners ,for your warmest application
and your greatest support today!
Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013:
214 days to go
Great Wall of China Marathon 2013 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2013:
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