Great Wall of China Marathon 2013


An Article from Runners' World Today(Nov.27,2012)

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Changes to Stride, Surface and Form to Avoid Injury

Simple adjustments to your routes, form, and mileage can help sidestep injury.

Running may be the quickest, the most invigorating, and for many, the most enjoyable way to get and stay fit. So it is doubly frustrating when youfre sidelined by aches, pains, or, worse, injuries. Easing up—on surfaces, strides, and miles—can help you stay healthy. gYour body absorbs about three times your weight with each step that you run,h says Bert Fields, M.D., a five-decade runner who heads the sports medicine fellowship program at Cone Health in Greensboro, North Carolina. gSo the most effective way to cut back on injuries may be to cut back on the pounding.h Herefs how.

Run Soft
Whether softer running surfaces are less injurious—and by how much—is debated among sports scientists: The studies are few, inconclusive, or conflicting. Complicating matters is that the answer may depend partly on your stride, foot type, weight, weekly mileage, injury history, footwear selection, and so on. Still, many coaches and elite runners believe that soft surfaces rule. For decades, elites have favored running as much as possible on dirt, grass, and sand rather than asphalt and concrete.

gUp to half of my mileage is off-pavement, on Eugenefs logging roads, wood-chip trails, and grass fields,h says Lauren Fleshman, a 5000-meter track star. gTherefs a noticeable difference in the amount of shock I feel on trails compared to the roads, especially in my quads and feet.h Fleshman says this lets her recover faster. Besides the advantages of a softer surface, trails are on varied terrain, which makes you constantly change your stride length and direction, says Erika Lindland, D.P.T., who trains and treats runners at Fairfax Wellness in Northern California. gThese changes in muscle-use patterns reduce stress on muscle and connective tissue,h Lindland says, gwhich allows for better recovery and less injury risk.h

That doesnft mean you should go out right now and run on nothing but trails. If youfve been running only on roads, you should adapt gradually with a few off-road miles each week. The uneven surfaces will vary the stresses on your feet and body, challenge you more, and let you recover faster between runs. If you have poor balance or are prone to ankle twists or Achilles injuries, avoid uneven, hazardous surfaces like rocky trails and spongy grass.

Run Smooth
When you land hard on your feet, the impact radiates up through your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue, from feet to hips. That takes a toll, sometimes leading to a breakdown on this kinetic chain. Smoothing out your stride can lessen the force of each landing, says Chris Johnson, a running coach and personal trainer at Boston Sports Club–West Newton.

Johnson encourages runners to consult a coach before overhauling form but says there are a few minor adjustments that are safe and simple to try on your own. First, try pushing off your big toe, with the foot under or slightly behind your hips. gThis disperses force more effectively throughout the lower body,h Johnson says. gThink of the push-off as a clawing motion, pulling the ground back as you launch forward.h

Another easy fix is to run with a slight forward lean. gRunning with no lean forces you to land hard on your heels,h Johnson says. (A study published this year by the American College of Sports Medicine found that heel-strikers had about twice the repetitive stress injury rate of forefoot-strikers.) gBut keep your torso straight, and donft lean more than a few degrees forward or youfll limit your ability to open up your stride.h

Swing your arms close to your sides, with hands between hips and chest. gExcessive arm swing results in hip and leg rotation that can cause overpronation,h he says, gand that concentrates too much ground-reaction force near the big toe.h 

And on downhills, resist the temptation to lengthen your stride and gbrakeh on your heels. gRun as if youfre pedaling a bike rather than drilling your heels into the ground,h he says, gand try to roll your feet from midfoot to forefoot.h

Run Less
For those who love to run and only run, the sad truth is that more isnft always better. The only sure way to reduce your injury risk is to reduce your mileage, according to a 2010 review of running-injury studies. gHigher mileage is the factor with the highest correlation to running-injury frequency,h says Fields. gIt appears that most runners can safely build up to 40 miles a week, but unless theyfre biomechanically perfect, the injury risk starts climbing when they go above that. Thatfs why so many coaches are replacing some mileage with cross-training.h

Nonimpact activities like deep-water pool running, cycling, and elliptical-trainer workouts give you almost all of the benefits of replaced runs, from cardio fitness to calorie burning. Your running muscles are used, though in a slightly different way, and you can even mimic a speed workout doing them. Low-impact activities like hill walking and snowshoeing also take some of the gpoundh out. And whole-body activities like swimming and strength training make you all-around stronger. The best bonus of all? Youfll feel even fresher on the days you do run.

Reach, Touch, and Rope
Do these exercises three times a week to gsmoothh your stride

Single-Leg Reach: Stand on your right foot with the left foot inches above the floor. Slowly move your hips back while leaning forward to touch left hand to right foot. Return to start; do 15 reps for each leg.
Why: Improves hip and ankle stability, letting you land and push off the midfoot more easily.

Bird Dog with Touch: From your hands and knees, reach one arm forward and extend the opposing leg back. Touch that armfs elbow to that legfs knee. Release; do 15 reps for each leg.
Why: Improves force transfer from your limbs to the torso, which stabilizes the pelvis.

Skip Rope: Skip for 30 seconds at a quick tempo (land alternately on each foot between rope turns), rest 30 seconds, repeat five times.
Why: Improves strength in the ankles, the runnerfs shock absorbers.

FEEL BETTER: Running on trails? Go by effort, not by pace; your trail time will be slower than your road times for the same distance. Better to enjoy the scenery!

Thank you all very much,all the whole worldwide runners who applied today for the Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM)2013.


Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013:        155 days to go


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