The Saturday is over
today,we are keeping the exchanges with our worldwide runners day
and night.And we will have some surprising news about one of our
great runners in a few days.
We will also work on
Sunday tomorrow for you for your inquiry and for your application to
run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013.
Below are the daily
running news in the past two months.
(23:58 Beijing Time
Nov.30,2012)We also work tomorrow Saturday and then
Sunday,please feel free to contact us for inquiry and for your
application.Thank you all very much who have applied today for
running the Great Wall of China Marthon on May 1,2013.Happy weekend
to you all!(11:58AM Beijing Time Nov.30,2012)Quick news:The
application fee of Mr.Chung Szeto from Singapore has just been
confirmed at Bank of China in Beijing a few minutes ago.Thank you
all very much all our worldwide runners!(23:59 Beijing Time
Nov.29,2012)Go to our daily news today to see the names of the 8
worldwide runners who applied today to run the Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much from all our hearts!(11:30AM
Beijing Time Nov.29,2012)Good morning to you all!Mr.Jacob
Boatwright from USA has become the first runner today who applied to
run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013.We will have a
news report this evening about all the new worldwide runners with
their names who apply today!Thank you all very much from our hearts
for your warmest application and your greatest support!(11:30AM
Beijing Time Nov.28,2012)In order to make a proper application
fee transfer,we had a talk with Bank of China this morning,please
read our daily news today.Thank you all very much,our worldwide
runners for your warmest application and your greatest support!(23:58
Beijing Time Nov.27,2012)From this week,we will also pay the
highest attention to the application fee and GWCM2013 Tours fee
remmitted to Bank of China from our worldwide runners.Thank you all
very much for your greatest efforts for applying to run the Great
Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013!(23:58 Beijing Time
Nov.26,2012)Danish runners and Spanish runners are coming today
to Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very
much,our whole world runners,we Chinese people are proud to get to
know you.Best Regards to you all!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.25,2012)Three
runners from USA applied today for Great Wall of China Marathon on
may 1,2013.Thank you all so much,the whole world!(23:58 Beijing
Time Nov.24,2012)We are very proud to announce for all the
worldwide runners that runners from Malta can be seen at Great Wall
of China Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much,for your
warmest application today and your greatest support today!(23:58
Beijing Time Nov.23,2012)We are working hard with our hearts and
souls for all our worldwide runners every day and night,including
tomorrow Saturday and the Sunday.Happy Weekend to you all!(23:58
Beijing Time Nov.22,2012)French runners applied this afternoon
from Shanghai China to run the Great Wall of China Marathon to be
held on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much,our whole worldwide
runners for your greatest support and your warmest application!(23:58
Beijing Time Nov.21,2012)Our daily news today is about the
application by runners from Canada.Thank you all very much,our
worldwide runners,every day!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.20,2012)Cantonese
would be much enhanced in the communication with the runners from
Hongkong,Macau and all our Chinese runners worldwide who speak
Cantonese.Our daily news today is about the extra night hotel
53USD/per person at Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel.Thank you
all very much,all our worldwide participants today!(23:58 Beijing
Time Nov.19,2012)The news today is about the first child runner
from the Netherlands to Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2013.Thank you all very much ,the whole world runners,for your
warmest application,and the greatest thanks to all the companies and
people who are working for Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2013!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.18,2012)The wholw world is
warming up for the Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May
1,2013.Thank you all very much for your warmest application today.
(09:08AM Beijing Time Nov.18,2012)Good morning,everyone,we
also work today Sunday for your inquirey and application to Great
Wall of China Marathon 2013.Today is the last day we undertake your
local bank charge of your remittance.This can usually save you from
20USD to 40USD upon your application.Thank you all very much!(21:18
Beijing Time Nov.17,2012)The Champion Chip company in Beijing is
printing the Calendar about the Great Wall of China Marathon to be
held on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much for your warmest
application and your greatest support today!(23:58 Beijing Time
Nov.16,2012)Happy Weekend!We also work tomorrow Saturday for
your inquiry and your application.Thank you all so much from all our
hearts!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.15,2012)Please read our daily
news today to see who applied to run the Great Wall of China
Marathon 2013 right before and right after Mr.Xi Jinping and his
colleagues met the press today.Thank you all very much,all our new
worldwide runners today!(23:38 Beijing Time Nov.14,2012)We
have started to go to Facebooks and Twitter every day from today
till May 1,2013.Thank you all very much for your warmest application
today and all your greatest support!(22:18 Beijing Time
Nov.13,2012)The daily news today is a new Chinese song with the
Great Walls called Ji Qing Fei Yue(Passion Flying High).Thank you
all very much for your warmest application for running the Great
Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013!(Nov.12,2012)The daily
news is our reply to a runner from the Netherlands who will run the
Great Wall of China Marathon together with his son on May
1,2013.Thank you all very much,our greatest worldwide runners and
supporters.(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.11,2012)Spanish Runners
Come in Groups,and thank you all very much,the worldwide runners who
applied today for running the Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2013!(23:53 Beijing Time Nov.10,2012)Japanese runners begin
to apply to run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013
mostly from today.Thank you all very much,all the worldwide runners!(8:53AM
Beijing Time Nov.10,2012)Good morning,everyone,we have just
released a news about the basic data for marathon runners at the
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013,please read carefully and
have a very happy Saturday to you all.We work today for you for your
inquiry and application.Thank you all very much!(12:58 Beijing
Time Nov.9,2012)Our daily news today is a good news for new
applicants.If you apply to run the Great Wall of China Marathon to
be held on May 1,2013,we undertake your local bank charge.Thank you
very much and we work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow this
weekend for you!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.8,2012)Shibada Opens
in Beijing from Today.Thank you all very much from our hearts for
your warmest application and your greatest support today for Great
Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013!(23:58 Beijing Time
Nov.7,2012)Congratulation,Mr.President Obama!Thank you all very
much,the worldwide runners who applied today for Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2013!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.6,2012)Today's
news are the 19 new photos about runners at Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2012.Thank you all very much from all our hearts
for your application today to run the Great Wall of China Marathon
on May 1,2013!.(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.5,2012)Our daily news
today is about the first Austrian runner to Great Wall of China
Marathon,also together with the photo.Thank you all very much,the
whole world runners and supporters!(23:15 Beijing Time
Nov.4,2012)From tomorrow morning,we will be continuing to issue
the Confirmation Letter and the bank receipt to some runners.Than
you all very much!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.3,2012)Our daily
news today is about the worldwide runners who applied today.Thank
you all very much from all our hearts!(23:58 Beijing Time
Nov.2,2012)We work on Saturday and Sunday for your inquiry and
application for Great Wall of China Marathon 2013.Thank you all very
much,the whole world!(23:58 Beijing Time Nov.1,2012)Great
Wall of China Marathon 2013 Promotion Video is over 2G,we hope it
appears normal on Youtube.Otherwide,we will edit it again.Thank you
all very much for your warmest application today.(23:58 Beijing
Time Oct.31,2012)The 17-minute long Promotion Video would come
up tomorrow,November 1.It is right 6 months before the Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1.2013.Thank you all very much for your
warmest application today!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.30,2012)The
Final Polish for GWCM2013 Promotion Video!Thank you all very much
deeply from all our hearts!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.29,2012)More
worldwide runners are choosing the Option Tours.Thank you all very
much!(21:38 Beijing Time Oct.28,2012)Our daily news today is
about IBAN and SWIFTCODE.Thank you all very much for today!(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.27,2012)Thank you all very much for your
inquiry and application today for Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2013.We also work tomorrow on Sunday for you!Enjoy a music
video about some new Chinese singers in today's news.Continue to
enjoy your happy weekend!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.26,2012)The
daily news is something about your hotel reservation for Great Wall
of China Marathon 2013.Thank you all very much for today!(23:18
Beijing Time Oct.25,2012)The Overseas General Office of Great
Wall of China Marathon in Japan will start its promotion work in
Japan from Novermber 1,2012.Thank you all so much for(19:58AM
Beijing Time Oct.24,2012)Our daily news today is Jade's Marathon
Tips.Thank you all very much till this moment today!(21:38AM
Beijing Time Oct.23,2012)In our daily news today,we offer you to
have the look about the timeline of the application by a new runner
Mr.Robert Aikman from New Zealand for running the Great Wall of
China Marathon to be held on May 1,2013!Thank you all very much from
all our hearts!(11:38AM Beijing Time Oct.23,2012)Quick
News:Carolyn from Canada has become the first one today who sent us
the Online Application for Great Wall of China Marathon to be held
on May 1,2013!Thank you all and thank you all more to come!(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.22,2012)Something New When We Reply Our
Worldwide Runners is our daily news today.Thank you very much our
daily worldwide new applicants to Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2013!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.21,2012)More than 100 new
friends have come to the facebooks and twitter of Great Wall of
China Marathon in the past one month,thank you all very much,all the
worldwide friends!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.20,2012)Promotion
Video for Great Wall of China Marathon 2013 is to come very soon!May
all of you continue to enjoy the very happy weekend!Thank you all
very much for today!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.19,2012)Special
thanks to Mr.Shahan.Happy weekend to you all,and we also work in the
weekend!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.18,2012)We will reply more of
our worldwide runners tomorrow morning.Thank you very much for your
greatest support and your warmest application for Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1,2013.(18:18 Beijing Time Oct.17,2012)Our
video in daily news today is the debate between Barack Obama vs.
Mitt Romney this morning Beijing Time.(10:53AM Beijing Time
Oct.16,2012)Daily New Today:Visit Shanghai after Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much for the new
worldwide runners who are coming today!(23:58 Beijing Time
Oct.15,2012)Three photos of the Friendship Ambassador for Great
Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013 in the daily news today!Thank
you all very much for today!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.14,2012)Calendar
2013 to be printed in Beijing with the info about Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much today!(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.13,2012)Daily News Today:The New Ambassador for
Great Wall of China Marathon 2013.Thank you all very much,the whole
world runners and your supporting families.(23:58 Beijing Time
Oct.12,2012)Click the photo at the daily news today and you
could see the large size that an American runner ties up the
champion chip at the Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2012.Thank you all very much for your warmest application today.(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.11,2012)Chinese writer Mo Yan won the 2012
Nobel Prize for Literature today,in our news today,you could see a
Chinese movie based on his novel.Thank you all very much for your
warmest application and your greatest support today!(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.10,2012)We especially extend our greatest
thanks to Mr.Jonathan Peters who applied today from Nanjing City
Jiangsu Province China for running the Great Wall of China Marathon
on May 1,2013.(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.9,2012)Our daily news
today is about the runners from Shanghai to Hangzhou in China who
have applied to run the Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2013.Thank you all very much from all our hearts!(22:58 Beijing
Time Oct.8,2012)In our daily news today,we introduced a new
British cooperator who is expecting to lead his team to run the
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very
much,the whole world runners!(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.7,2012)Daily
News Today:Q&A: Running Stairs.Thank you very much for your warmest
application and the greatest support today for Great Wall of China
Marathon to be held on May 1,2013.(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.6,2012)Our
daily news today is about the Holidays Seaons Now in China.Thank you
all very much from all our hearts for your warmest application
today.(23:58 Beijing Time Oct.5,2012)French runners are still
very active in applying to run the Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2013.Thank you all very much!(23:18 Beijing Time
Oct.4,2012)From today,we start a new service for the worldwide
runners and the visitors who would like to see the most bueatiful
Great Walls in the whole China where the Great Wall of China
Marathon would be held on May 1,2013.Please read the news today for
more details and please feel free to contact us for your
appointment.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for your
warmest applicationa and your greatest support!(10:38AM Beijing
Time Oct.4,2012) 18 minutes ago,David,a Canadian living in
Shanghai China,has applied to run the Great Wall of China Marathon
to be held on May 1,2013.He is the first applicant today.Thank you
very much David,and thank you all who will apply today!(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.3,2012)Daily News Brief in the Past 43 Days.(23:58
Beijing Time Oct.2,2012)The daily new today is a photo of the
5-year-old Chinese child who will run 5km at the Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2013.Thank you all very much for today!
Countdown of Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2013:
151 days to go
Great Wall of China Marathon 2013 Tours
Online Application for Great
Wall of China Marathon 2013:
Previous News---
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