Another New Full Marathoner (Sept.3,2014)
On the evening of
September 1,2014,Mr.Matt Will submitted the Online Application of
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1,2014.
On May 2,we replied
Mr.Matt Will ,welcoming him to run the Great Wall of China Marathon
On May 3.Mr.Matt Will
made the payment 250USD to our bank account at Bank of China.
Mr.Matt Will is from
Australia,now working at Suzhou City in China.We offered a free bed
for him at a standard room at Jinshan Hotel,which is 15-minute
walking to the startline of the Great Wall of China Marathon 2015.
It is estimated that his
application fee would come to our bank account tomorrow.Then we will
send Mr.Matt Will the Confirmation Letter with the more detail
info for runners who finished the whole application.
Below are the Online
Applications for the Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM) 2015 and the Roof
of the World Marathon(ROWM) 2015,you can choose one to apply to run
or both.

If you have any questions towards any of the two application,please feel
free to write to us or directaly talk with us.
Beijing Hotline:+86-15101680346
Your efforts are highestly appreciated.Thank you
very much from all our hearts!