Have Noticed the Option 5 ?(November 12,2014)
Mr.Fourie has decided to run the Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2015.But he has not decided whether he would come with one of
his companion or two of his companions.
After the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,they would fly to
Guiyang ,more than 2000KM in southwest China,then begin to visit the
largest waterfall in Asia and the most beautiful Miao Village in
Xijiang.Then fly back to Beijing in the evening on May 5,2015.
Mr.Fourie and his companion(s) would then would then enjoy the
delicious food in the Chinese cities and town and village with
us on this
Option 5 tours of Great Wall of China Marathon 2015.These
cities and town and village are
All these are so fresh for you.Please take a quick look from one
of our video we uploaded today at Tudou that we produced for our
runners,and you would have a very new discovery about the beautiful
Option 5 tours.
The brief Option 5 starts from 19 minutes and 17 seconds of the
22 minutes video.
So join us,and join the Option 5,and your would have your new
runners' friends after the Great Wall of China Marathon 2015 with
the extra 4 days in China.
Below are our Online Applications for the 14th Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2015 and the
Roof of the World Marathon starting from May 2,2015,We welcome you to apply one
of them or both of them.Both marathon races are the same organizer.
Here is our testing webpage of the Roof of the
World Marathon,also from which you can apply to run in Tibet.
If you have any questions or anything unclear about the application,please feel
free to write to us or directly talk with us.We answer you questions in
English,Japanese and Chinese languages.
Beijing Hotline:+86-15101680346
Your efforts are highestly appreciated. Thank you
very much,all our worldwide runners, from all our hearts for your warmest application every day!