News: The
Best Present for Your Children(December 19,2014)
60% of the runners at the Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1 are the single young people,and the rest are not,and among
them,quite number of them are the parents with children.
The Christmas is coming,we are very happy to see that the parents
begin to prerpare the beautiful Christmas presents to your lovely
But have you ever thought to bring your very lovely children to
China to run the Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May
Because mentioning China,Great Wall of China should be one of
your must choice to visit,and you would never refuse to bring your
lovely children to see this one of the most famous world heritages
in the world.
But maybe you do not know that we also offerover 200 free entries
for the children over 3 years old and under 18 years to run the
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1,2015.
Thay can apply to run 5K,and the children at the age of three can
finish running and walking the 5K in about 4 or 5 hours.It is really
so wonderful experience for you and your children for this.
And Maybe you hope that your children could run 5K,and you might
want to run your own longer distance,such as full or half or 10K,but
there is no problem for this,we have our best volunteers to runwith
your children and look after your children on the 5K course on the
Great Walls.
We only offer the first children of every country or region the
free entry.Up till now,there is no free entry for children from
USA,Denmark,China.The parents of the three countries have already
taken the free entries for their children.
So if you have children who are not free the above three
countries,please contact quickly with us,and keep your free entry
for your children.Please use this email to write to us.
Christmas and the New Year 2015 is a season that you
can best reward your lovely children,and Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM)
on May 1 is a best occasion that we reward the parents all over the
world.We are so
happy to see and so proud to see that you love your children
so much,and we admire you so much that you have a very warm and kind
If you do not have children,but
love children so much,and would love to bring a child from the
orphanage to the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2015,please
also let us know through above email,we would most sincerely offer
the special and very warm arrangement for you and for the child with
If your children would go to
visit Tibet with you or run the Roof of the World Marathon 2015 with
you,no matter how old he or she is,you would get the 50USD
discount.The deadline is March 31,2015.
Below are our Applications for the 14th Great Wall of China Marathon on Motay 1,2015 and the
Roof of the World Marathon starting from May 2,2015 and the Great
Wall of China Marathon 2015 Tours.We welcome you to apply one
of them or both of them or three of them.We are the Chinese top
organizer for both of the races.
