Wall of China Marathon 2015 and the Roof of the World Marathon 2015
move Forward together(March 10,2015)
Great Wall of China Marathon 2015
We get the application from the runners all
over the world for applying to run the 14th Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2015 every day.
Every runners who come to Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2015 are regarded by the Chinese people as the
super heroes.if you know Chinese language,please read the Blog of a
Chinese visitor to Great Wall of China Marathon 2013,and see the
if anyone who can translate the
above Chinese blog into the native English,we would like to offer
him or her the 50% of the application/registration fee.
This blog has best revealed the
deep,kind feelings and the profound admiration of the Chinese people
to all the worldwide runners who come to run the Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1 every year.
This Blog is sending the very
very positive energy to all the Chinese people.
The Great Wall of China Marathon
on May 1 is changing very very rapidly every year.Here is the Great
Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2014:
From the above video in
Youtube,you could hear what the world runners are saying.
How about the Great Wall of
China marathon on May 1,2015,it would take another completely new
look.It would be the most happy gatherings of all the world
runners.It would be another exciting and much advanced Great Wall of
China Marathon(GWCM).We are also inviting our distinguished runners
to Great Wall of China Marathon 2015 these days.
The Roof of the World Marathon 2015
Today,Mr.Tellez from USA applied
to run the Roof of the World Marathon after May 1,2015.Up till
now,about 10 runners would fly with us to Tibet on the morning of
May 2,2015.
From today,we begin to make the
medals of the Roof of the World Marathon 2015.
All the runners there would make
a miracle at this highest marathon in the world.
And here is the Official
Homepage of the Roof of the World Marathon(ROWM).
Below are the Applications for
the 14th Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2015 and the 2nd Roof
of the World Marathon starting from May 2,2015 and the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2015 Tours.
We welcome you to apply any of them.We are the Chinese top
organizer for both of the races.
