Your Opinion:A
Headache Decision(March 20,2015)
Runners are from all over the world,breakfast on May 1
seems the most headache for our choice for all our world runners.And
almost every year,we could see that not all the runners are quite
satisfied with the breakfast we have for the runners.Runners from
Western like western food,runners from eastern like the different
kinds of food,and in Asian we also have the Moslim runners from
southeast Asia,they prefer have the Muslim food.
And every years,quite number of breakfast were left wasted.
And also,100% runners would stay at hotel before the Great Wall
of China Marathon on May 1,for example,and hotel breakfast are
always included in the room fee,for example,for our runners who
overnight at Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel,and we can ask our
Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel front desk to prepare the
breakfast for you to pick-up,and you can asl your hotel to do so.
And Life in Beijing become more convenient,if you earch the 24
hour shops,there are many in Beijing,and even there is one near the
Shenzhou(Beijing)International Hotel.
And for our runners who live at Jinshan Hotel,the breakfast also
included,so we have a bold decsion,that we want to abandan the
breakfast,and we organizer to provide to you,and we want to
offer every runner a Camelbak instead,and after
the race,you can bring the camelbak back home, this is really a very
good deal and very very useful for the Great Wall of China
We want to listen to your opinion most sincerely from all our
hearts,because we want to best improve our service.
It is very easy to get the food for thousands and millions of
people in Beijing every day,and it is very difficult to get the
camelbak in Beijing in the great number.Ordering the Camelbak for
all our runners require the factory for almost one month to produce
them.And there are only over 40 days to go for the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2015.
And therefore,as soon as you see thisnews,please give us your
opinion: breakfast on May 1 ? or Camelbak?
And here is an early news about our ideas for the
to run Great Wall of China Marathon 2015 NOW,Get a Camelbak
FREE(March 6,2015)New!
Below are the Applications for
the 14th Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2015 and the 2nd Roof
of the World Marathon starting from May 2,2015 and the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2015 Tours.
We welcome you to apply any of
them.We are the Chinese top organizer for both of the races.