
Great Wall of China Marathon 2016


Download Service of Photo and Video from Great Wall of China Marathon 2015(July 15,2015)

During the 14th Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2015,more than 5 GWCM2015 photographers and cameraman took photos and filmed the videos for all the runners at the different parts of the Great Walls.

There are 2,562 photos of every runners.and there are also the video with the length of 2 hours 40 minutes about all the runners on May 1,2015.And the 8-minute video about the Guilin Marathon is also among the downloading.

The download service have officially started from today.And the fee for the downloading is 50USD or 300RMB.

The method for getting the downloading:

1)Choose one of the ways to make the Payment:

A.Through our paypal email account:  a1110@seagreen.ocn.ne.jp

B.Through our bank account at Bank of China in Beijing:6217580100000799627

C.Through our Alipay email account: greatwallmarathon@hotmail.com

D.Through our Wechat account.

2)Send your payment slip to our email: greatwallmarathon@yahoo.com

3)Then we will offer you the download code for downloading.

If you prefer to get the DATA DVD of the 14th Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2015 instead of downloading,please write email to us below here,and tell us your address,and we will send them to you either from Japan or from China.


We also have started the downloading service of  the videos and photos from the Roof of the World Marathon,the downloading fee is 300USD or 1800RMB.Payment can be made through our above accounts with the same methods.

We are the official organizer of Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM),we are the official organizer of the Roof of the World Marathon(ROWM),and we are also the official organizer of Guilin Marathon to be held on October 11,2015.For your application,please go to this page to fill in the Online Application forms.


If you have anything unclear or any questions,please feel free to write email to us or call us.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for your greatest support!


Beijing Hotline:+86-15101680346


And here is the Official Homepage of the Roof of the World Marathon(ROWM).



                       ---The Previous News---

Please Contact for the details:                

greatwallmarathon@yahoo.com greatwallmarathon_japan@yahoo.co.jp                 market@beijingglobalmarathon.com

Our Official websites in Beijing:                                                                  http://www.greatwallmarathon.com.cn/                     http://www.beijingglobalmarathon.com/greatwallmarathon/jp/index.html

Our supporting website in  Tokyo Japan                                   



