Answer a Question from a German Runner(August 8,2015)
About one hour ago,we received an email from a German runner:
Hello Marathon Team,
I'm going to run the Great Wall of China Marathon next year.
On another website I read,that the date of the race isn't
determined yet.Can you say that the marathon would be held on May
1st 2016
Best regards from Germany
And here is our reply to Oliver:
We are very happy to receive your email.
Thank you very much from us.
The other website is not the official website,
We are the Organizer of the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1
every year.
The Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM) will definitely be held on
May 1,2016.
Please fill in the Online Application of Great Wall of China
Marathon 2016 here:
We will then immediately proccess your application.
We will release our email exchange and tell all the world runners
about this two hour from now.
Thank you very much from all our hearts.Best Regards to you and all
your family and all your friends!
Sincerely Most
Zhu Guihua
Top Organizer of Great Wall of China Marathon
Top Organizer of the Roof of the World Marathon
Top Organizer of Guilin Marathon
Official Website
Here is the official Online Application of the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2016:

Here are the official Online Application of the Roof of the World Marathon

And here is the link of the Online Application and the detail itineraries in
Itineraries for the Roof of the World Marathon on May 6 and May
8, 2016(June 18,2015)
Here is the official Online Application of Guilin Marathon 2015:

The link is here:
And if you prefer to have the tour packages,we have the 8 options for you to
If any of our world runners would have anything unclear or any questions toward the three unique
marathon races in China,please
feel free to write email to
us,we reply you immediately.We work 24 hours every day and 7 days a week.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for your greatest