Novice Runner to Great Wall of China Marathon 2016(August
Miss.MelIssa Ho signed up yesterday to run the 15th Great Wall
of China Marathon to be held on May 1,2016.He has already
participated the three races in different countries/region this

In this picture taken in April this year,you could see her
father,who would come together with Melissa to Beijing. They both
enjoy travelling a lot. Not only is his father coming to support
her,he also wants to do some sightseeing in Beijing.They chose the
Option Tours of Great Wall of China Marathon 2016.
Do you know where the first picture was taken in
China?Tomorrow,we would introduce about it.

The second is a picture of Melissa in New York City, having
just ran a 5k on the famous Brooklyn Bridge a few weeks ago at the
start of August.

The third picture is of Melissa after doing a 5.6k at Hong
Kong Disneyland in June.

The fourth picture is Melissa after completing her first 10k
in Singapore in July.
Do you know what distance that Miss.Melissa Ho would challenge
at the 15th Great Wall of China Marathon on may 1,2016?It is never a
short distance.So she applied now,she would have 245 days for the
Are you also a novice runner?If yes,apply today,you can choose
from any of the 4 items:5K,10K,Half or Full.And you can run together
with Melissa.
Here is the official Online Application of the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2016:

Here are the official Online Application of the Roof of the World Marathon

And here is the link of the Online Application and the detail itineraries in
Itineraries for the Roof of the World Marathon on May 6 and May
8, 2016(June 18,2015)
Here is the official Online Application of Guilin Marathon 2015:

The link is here:
If any of our world runners would have anything unclear or any questions toward the three unique
marathon races in China,please
feel free to write email to
us,we reply you immediately.We work 24 hours every day and 7 days a week.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for your greatest