Inform all Chinese Embassies and Consulates(August
Some funny things are happening,in order to best secure the
interest of every runners to the 15th Great Wall of China Marathon
to be held on May 1,2016,we would inform all the Embassies and
Consulates of the Peoples' Republic all over the world soon.
If you were the participants,either runners or spectators,and
if you were the ones who were asked to show the official documents
from Chinese Organizing Company of Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,it is us/the top Chinese organizer who gave the official
documents to our overseas partners and runners for the visa to
We know at the 13th and the 14th Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1, one of our partners from USA made the fake
documents to the participants from USA and from the Middle East to
apply the visa,and then,they were refused to get the visas to China
or the Chinese Embassies and Consulates made the phone calls to
us,and it was us that worked behind to solve all these issues
officially.So they got the visa to China again.
But now,that USA partner would be no more recognized by the
Chinese Top Organizer.Their website still use the exact name of the
Great Wall of China Marathon with the revised date.We gave her the
post of Race Director and Coordinator of Great Wall of China
Marathon in the past three years.She used the Post to organize the
runners from all over the world in our name.So when you paid the
money and you have not got the Official Confirmation Letter from
Chinese Organizer,you would be in the great risk for the next year.
In each Confirmation Letter,there are Chinese organizer's
company telephone.runners unique comfirmation code
to the Chinese Embassy and Coonsulate in your country,etc.And we
Chinese company's business license as the Organizer could be found
legally through Chinese government.
Some of our runners and spectators from Germany,from Canada
and from Hongkong in August,have transfered their
application/participation from the different website,which looks
like the official,to the real organizer of the Great Wall of China
Marathon(GWCM) here.
Relevant News:
Letter to No.1 Female Full Marathon Winner(May 19,2015)
Golden Belt for Great Wall of China Marathon 2016(June 12,2015)
a Question from a German Runner(August 8,2015)New!
An Ancient Chinese Proverb(August 28,2015)New!
Here is the official Online Application of the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2016:

Here are the official Online Application of the Roof of the World Marathon

And here is the link of the Online Application and the detail itineraries in
Itineraries for the Roof of the World Marathon on May 6 and May
8, 2016(June 18,2015)
Here is the official Online Application of Guilin Marathon 2015:

The link is here:
If any of our world runners would have anything unclear or any questions toward the three unique
marathon races in China,please
feel free to write email to
us,we reply you immediately.We work 24 hours every day and 7 days a week.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for your greatest