Promotion Video with you All Year Around!(November 3,2015)
Every year,we would spend over 10,000USD for making the Promotion Video
of the Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1.
And the Promotion Video of Great Wall of China Marathon 2016 is published
on Youtube yesterday and on Tudou today.Please take a look at the most
beautiful Great Walls and our great runner Mr.Shigematsu from Japan and our
talented Miss.Baibai from China.
Wall of China Marathon 2016-Promotion Video (Nov. 3,2015)New!
Wall of China Marathon 2016-Promotion Video (Nov. 2,2015)New!
Mr.Shigematsu began to run his first Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2011,and this is his 5th Great Wall of China Marathon in the past 5 years
with us.He is the one who runs barefoot every year on the Great
Walls.Because he loves China and Chinese people so much,so we invited him
again for the Promotion Video this year.
Mr.shigematsu flew to Beijing from Tokyo in the mid of September 2015,and
stayed with us in our filming team.Then a few days later,he flew back to
Miss.Baibai is a very nice Chinese girl,who is representing the young
generation of China today.Baibai can speaks very good English,and very good
at Chinese .She is accepting the very high education in a university
in China.She can drive,and good at dancing,singing,and she is trying the
performing art.etc.And she likes running and swimming and Yoga very very
We are going to film the Promotion Video of Guilin Marathon 2016 in late
January 2016 and the Promotion Video of Roof of the World Marathon,and
she would be with other world runners in the Promotion Video.
We know every country and every region has its own wonderful culture and
customs and the different history.If anyone,any runner would like to make
the Promotion Video with us,we welcome you,as the male actor with the main
actress Miss.Baibai.And the entry fee would be 3988USD.
As you see that the Promotion Video Great Wall of China Marathon we just
published is in Chinese and Japanese language.If you come to Beijing with us
as Mr.Shigematsu,that would be any language you speak with the Chinese
language in the Promotion Video.So the world would see the Chinese-USA version,the Chinese-France Version,the Chinese and Germany Version,Taiwan-Mainland
China Version,Hongkong-Mainland China Version....,so it
would be over 200 different versions.
You can make your story in China and on the Great Walls,and we film you
and Miss.Baibai,and you would be
immediately known by more than 1.3 billion Chinese people.So the whole world
would see the Great Wall of China Marathon and Chinese culture from your
perspectives.And we in Beijing are ready for your coming any time all year
around!And you and the series Promotion Video by you with us would be
also forever left on the history of Great Wall of China Marathon!
For the more details and sign up for being the actors or actresses in the
coming new Promotion Video of Great Wall of China Marathon we would film in
November and in December 2015 in Beijing,please contact us
Below are the Online Application of the three races! And
Please sign up from here:

If you apply now ,you still could get the free swimming coupon at the
5-star hotel in Beijing.
New Photos:Limited
Coupons Available for Runners who NOW sign up for
the 15th Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1,2016!
Best Selected Optional Tours of the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2016
official Online Application of the Roof of the World Marathon 2016:

Itineraries for the Roof of the World Marathon on May 6 and May
8, 2016(June 18,2015)

Best Selected Tour for Runners to Guilin Marathon 2016New!
If you have any questions during your sign-up,please
feel free to write email to
us below.We work 24 hours every day and 7 days a week.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for your greatest