News: Five Benefits in the New Week(May
Sign up any of the following four marathon races on
Monday May 23,you would enjoy one of the benefits:
one free hotel room the night before the race.You would share the
room with another overseas runner.
3000 photos and 600 video clips
of the 14th Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1,2015 and the 15th Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1,2016.
the membership of
would be effective for you from today.
one day trekking on the Great Walls with
the famous Chinese young
gymnast in July and August 2016.
and exchange and run together with the
No.2 full marathon winner(Chinese) from the 15th Great Wall of China Marathon 2016 in
October 2016 in Beijing.
Please fill in the Online Application,and make the payment to our
Paypal account or our bank account at Bank of China in Beijing,and
send your payment slip from your bank or your online payment
screenshot to our email at
Be sure to pay your local bank charge which is about 25USD if you
are not in China or your paypal charge which is 10.05USD
If you have any questions,please write to us or call us directly.
We answer your questions in English,Chinese and Japanese.
When you fill in any of the four application forms,please
write in the Comment or email us and tell which one you hope to get
as the free entry.
The Online Application of the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2016-Autumn.

Here,we would we like to state the two unbeatable reasons to
run the Great Wall of China Marathon 2016-Autumn.
1)First-time Venue and Tremendous Show:
In the first 9 years,we had been using the Great Walls at
Simatai and Jinshanling.From the Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1,2011,we had been using Jinshanlin Great Wall till the 14th Great
Wall of China Marathon on May 1 ,2015.
For the 15th Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2016,we
used the Badaling Ancient Great Wall.And it is from this year,that
we marked our medal with the exact name of the Great Wall.The
runners would know that in the front face of the medal,you would see
the English: Badaling.
With the support of our Chinese government, at the Great Wall
of China Marathon 2016-Autumn,we would use Juyongguan Great Wall in Beijing,so on the medal that we would make,you would see the
English: Juyongguan.
And we would like to tell the whole world that at the 16th
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2017,we would definitely not
use Juyongguan Great Wall.
You would be the only runners in this world that would have
the record of Juyongguan Great Wall!!!
On this race day,we would set up the big stage at the big
square before the Juyongguan Watch Tower.And the most
influential Chinese dancers and singers and fashion designers and
models would have the show on the stage for about 8 hours.And when
each runner finish your race,you would be awarded the medal or/and
trophy on this big stage,and the show would stop and that would be
your brilliant and very glorious moment.
And we would record the 8-hour show together with all our
runners one by one on the stage.Feel free to express your feelings
and this would be seen by the whole world and recorded forever in
the history of Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM).
This year,our runners from the Netherlands have the very
wonderful design of their race T-shirts.We are planing to have the
T-shirt design contest from the middle of June 2016,and all the
design would be produced by us and display on the Juyongguan Great
Wall on the race day-October 16,2016.
And we have something exciting for all our world runners,and
we would keep secret now,and all your family and friends would be
surprised for your participation and presentation at the Great Wall
of China Marathon 2016-Autumn on the Juyongguan Great Wall!
2)Your Unique Running Tours in China
We are the founder,the top organizer and race director of all
the marathon races in the map.
If you see carefully,that you would know the first one on October 2 is
Xijiang Marathon 2016,the second one on October 9 is Guilin Marathon
2016,and then the third one on October 16 is the Great Wall of China
Marathon 2016-Autumn.And all the three races are on the first three week of
If you would be able to get your 17-day holiday,you could either run all
the three different marathon races or one or two of them and then you could
be the spectator for the race(s).
We organize all the races,it is like the same airline company that you
use,that you could be best arranged with us for all the three marathon races
very smoothly from Beijing,from Guilin and from Xijiang.
And you can stay with us in China for 17 days within less than
1700USD,and all the hotel,food,transportation and entry free 646USD for the
three races,and if you join to become the
GREAT WALL UNION member,your entry
fee is just 496USD for the three marathon races.If you would be just as an
spectator,your fee travelling in China with us for the three unique marathon
races for 17 days in China is just 998USD.
Here there is no need for us to mention that the Autumn in Beijing is the
most beautiful season in a year.
Here is the official Online Application of Guilin Marathin 2016:
Date:October 9,2016(Sunday)

Here is the official Online Application of Xijiang Marathin 2016:
Date:October 2,2016(Sunday)

The Online Application for the 16th Great Wall of China Marathon 2017 is
open below here.

The Online Application of the Roof of
the World Marathon 2017.

If you have any questions during your sign-up,please feel free to write
email to us below or call us.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for
your greatest support! Have a very happy new week to you all!