New Resources for All Worldwide Runners (May 30,2016)
After the hardwork in the past few days,we have uploaded 36G
original photos and video clips of the Great Wall of China Marathon
2014 online.There are more than 1150 photos and over 450 video
clips.And 97% of the photos and videos have not been published on
any the websites.The runners who sign up any of the following
marathon races on May 30 ,May 31, June 1,and June 2,2016 would get all the 36G photos and videos
free of charge.
1.Great Wall of China Marathon 2016-Autumn
October 16,2016 Juyongguan Great Wall.
2.The 16th Great all of China Marathon on May 1,2017
3.Xijiang Marathon on October 2,2016
in southwest China
4.Guilin Marathon on October 9,2016
in southeast China near Hongkong
5.The Roof of the World Marathon 2017 May
2-9,2017 in Tibet
We are the founder and organizer and the race director of the
above marathons in China!Our slogan is to RUN THE 5000KM GREAT
WALL.And since we would held the Great Wall of China Marathon twice
a year,in Spring and Autumn,we would add one new Great Wall every
year for all our world runners.This would be your very precious
experience in your life every year!
You can click the pictures below to fill in the Online
Application.We work on this tours 24-hour
with this special hotline here +86-183-1042-0937(Call from outside
Mainland China),or 183-1042-0937(call from Mainland China) or write
to us from our email here:
The relevant news report:
Half of China and Run 3 Marathon Races in 18 Days(May 28,2016)New!
Unbeatable Reasons to run the Great Wall of China Marathon
2016-Autumn(May 21,2016)New!
Here The Online Application of the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2016-Autumn.

We are the founder,the top organizer and race director of all
the marathon races in the map.
Here is the official Online Application of Guilin Marathin 2016:
Date:October 9,2016(Sunday)

Here is the official Online Application of Xijiang Marathin 2016:
Date:October 2,2016(Sunday)

The Online Application for the 16th Great Wall of China Marathon 2017 is
open below here,too.

The Online Application of the Roof of
the World Marathon 2017.

Want to save for your participation of any of the above marathon
races,here is the secret:join the GREAT WALL UNION.

If you have any questions during your sign-up any of the above 5 marathon
races in 2016 and in 2017,please feel free to write
email to us or call us.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for
your greatest support !