Tibet 2016/2017 and Run the Roof of the World Marathon 2017(June 15,2016)
As you know that the Great Wall of China Marathon has been
held for 15 years successfully in the past 15 years,and the 15th
Great Wall of China Marathon was held on May 1,2016,and from this
year,we would held the Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM) twice a
year.So the next one is called the Great Wall of China Marathon
2016-Autumn.It would be held on Sunday October 16,2016 at Juyongguan
Great Wall.This time period is the best season of a year in Beijing
for Autumn.
And as you know,we always have the optional tours and the Roof of the World Marathon right after the Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1st.For this Great Wall of China Marathon
2016-Autumn,we have only the tours to Tibet the next day.That is the
runners could fly together with us for Lhasa Tibet from October
17,2016 and start the 5-day tours in Tibet,which could be seen from
the Option 8 below here.

For visiting Tibet,our runners should apply early,so that we
could submit your documents to our Chinese government to issue the
permission to Tibet,otherwise you cannot board the plane from
Beijing to Lhasa.This is the same for the runners who would run the
Roof of the World Marathon 2017.
So below here is the tours info Option 8 for visiting Tibet
from May 2,2017.

And here is the Online Application of the Roof of the World
Marathon 2017.

We are the founder and the race director of the Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM),Xijiang
Marathon,the Roof of the World Marathon and the rest Online Application are
also below here.Please choose one that you like this year or next year!
And here is the Promotion Video of Xijang Marathon Promotion Video
we published on Tudou a few days ago.

Here is the official Online Application of Xijiang Marathin 2016:
Date:October 2,2016(Sunday)

Here is the official Online Application of Guilin Marathin 2016:
Date:October 9,2016(Sunday),and we would release the Promotion Video of
Guilin Marathon after June 20,2016.

The Online Application of the Great Wall of
China Marathon 2016-Autumn.

We are the founder,the top organizer and race director of all
the marathon races in the map.

The Online Application for the 16th Great Wall of China Marathon 2017 is
open below here,too.

Want to save for your participation of any of the above marathon
races,here is the secret:join the GREAT WALL UNION.

If you have any questions during your sign-up any of the above 5 marathon
races in 2016 and in 2017,please feel free to write
email to us or call us.Thank you all very much from all our hearts for
your greatest support !