Customized:Great Wall of China
Marathon Calendar 2022 for YOU(December
22, 2021)
First,Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2022 to you all!
We now would like to make
the Christmas and the New Year 2022 gifts to you all! It is the
Great Wall of China Marathon Calendar 2022.The calendar has 13
pages,including cover.
And each month is one of
your photos,and on the back,it is the month calendar.We make all
this calendar free for you,including the free international postage to your

And you can choose any of the style A,B,C above and any stand color below.

The runners who register from now till December 25,2021,we would
send the Customized Great Wall of China Marathon Calender 2022 to your home or your company address on
January 1st,2022 from Beijing.
The runners who register from December 26 till December 31,2021,we
would send the Customized Great Wall of China Marathon Calender 2022 to your home or your company
address on January 7,2022 from Beijing.
If you work and live in China,after your registration before
December 25,you would receive your Customized Great Wall of China
Marathon Calender 2022 before December 31,2021.
1.Your Photos:
Please send us your 12 HD photos,and each photo size should be
over 1M,the 3-5M is the best!The photos can be you,your family,your
boyfriend,your girlfriend,your company people,your running
mates,your running team member.If you would not have enough 12 HD
photos of yours,we would use some of the photos of Great Wall of
China Marathon instead for your calendar.
2.Free Copy:
The calendar is just made one copy free for you,if you need more
copy,please let us know.
If your mailing address is in China,the postage is free,and if you
live overseas, the shipment by surface and by sea,the postage is
free,and if you need the calendar to be posted by Air Mail,the
postage is 19.8USD for one copy,and 53USD postage for 2 to 10
4.Place of Delivery:
We would send the calendar to you from Beijing.
5.If you have already registered Great Wall of China Marathon/the
Roof of the World Marathon for 2022, please introduce one of your
friends to register to run the 21st Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1st,2022 or Great Wall of China Marathon 2022-Autumn on October
30,2022,you and your friend both would receive the
calendar,then,please also offer 12 HD photos of yours to us.
The Online Registration is here,please choose any of the links for
The 21st Great Wall of China Marathon 2022
Date: May 1st,2022
The Great Wall of China Marathon 2022-Autumn
Date: October 30,2022
6.This Customized Great Wall of China Marathon Calendar 2022 is also
available for any runners who would register to run the Roof of the
World Marathon 2022 and who would register the 22nd Great Wall of
China Marathon 2023.The registration links is here:
For the Runners to the Great Wall
of China Marathon 2022 (December 20,2021)
Policy for Runners of the Great Wall of China Marathon and the Roof of the World
Marathon in 2022 (December 13,2021)
If you have anything unclear,please feel free to write to us,and
we would reply you timely,we work 24 hours every day.
Official Site:
Please visit the social
media for more update info.
Follow us on
Guihua Zhu
Follow us on
Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM)
Greatwall Marathon

Thank you very much,all the
world runners!