Extremely Good News: Starting from Zero (Updated-September 23,2022)
Three hours ago,Hong Kong
government announced that any people coming to Hongkong are not
required to be quarantined,
and the policy is 0+3,that is,when you arrive in Hongkong,you need
to stay in the hotel for three days as medical observation,and you
can go outside,but you cannot enter part of the places such as
restaurants and bars.
When you arrive at Hongkong International Airport,you would
receive the PCR test,and you need not to wait for the result at the
airport,and you can go to the hotel directly and you would be
informed the result of the previous day on the 4th day.
During your 3 days in
Hongkong,you would be labeled as Yellow code.
After the three days with the green code result,you can fly from Hongkong to Beijing.
In the past more than 10-days,we have not very actively updated the
official website of Great Wall of China Marathon and its social
media at Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Linkedin and Youtube,because we
have got the different good news every day,too much to update,for
example,Chinese government is making the plan to open the
international toursim,China and Japan agreed to open more direct
flights between the two countries,Japan opens its border from
October 11 for international tourists,more flights would fly between
Tokyo and Hongkong,etc.etc.
From today,we also start from Zero to accept the runners to the
Great Wall of China Marathon 2022-Autumn,which is on Sunday October
30,2022,it is also the second race date of the 21st Great Wall of
China Marathon 2022.
From today,we also start from Zero to accept the runners to the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023 in Beijing! Together
with the Roof of the World Marathon 2023,starting from May 2,2023!
It is the pandemic that affected the work,life and the best
communcation of the world people,it is this opening now,and the
opening wpuld become wider and wider,all the misunderstanding would
be completely disappearing finally before the end of 2022! The free
sky is coming to us all ! The life of every world people will come
back to normal soon !
Please visit the social
media for more update info daily.
Follow us on
Guihua Zhu
Follow us on
Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM)

Thank you very much!