Some Very Active World
Runners in the Past 43 Days
for the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon 2023(April
(10:18AM Beijing Time April 13,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Isabel Avila from Mexico has just registered the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank Isabel and thank everyone very much! A
very very nice day to you all! BTW,the new registered runners should
never never worry about your hotel in Beijing.We have done the
perfect preparation for you for the hotel!
(9:00AM Beijing Time April 13,2023)
Volunteers Wanted: We are now looking for two volunteers to work for
the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023.Working Day:
9:00AM till 5PM on April 30 at
the official hotel and the whole day on the Great Wall on May
1st,2023.English or French speaking is required.You would be offered
the free hotel room on April 29 and
April 30.etc. Please write to us : run@greatwallmarathon.com.cn or
greatwallmarathon@yahoo.com Thank you all very much!
(16:58 Beijing Time April 12,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Christopher Cayen from Canada has just registered
the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank Chris and thank everyone very much! A very
nice day to you all! BTW,the twin rooms at a 5-star hotel near the
official hotel are available from this afternoon for the new runners
of the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023.You will
enjoy it much!
(23:58 Beijing Time April 11,2023)
Very Important and Useful: Some Basic Info for Preparing and Running
the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023
(08:08AM Beijing Time April 11,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Ole Arne Eiksund is now helping his friend to
register the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May
1st,2023.Thank Ole and thank
Mr.Hongliang Ci and thank every runner from all over the world very
much! A very nice day to you all!
(18:38 Beijing Time April 10,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.April Joy Parker from Philippines has just
registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May
1st,2023 via WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank
April Joy and thank everyone very much! A very nice new week to you
(April 9,2023)
Happening Now: A Chinese Sports Celebrity will particiapate the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023 and cheer for all our
(April 8,2023)
If you have not registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to
be held on May 1st,2023 yet,never worry about the hotel,and if you
have already registered the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023,never never worry about
the hotel in Beijing,please just let us know,we have been doing this
the best for you and for all
the world runners,old and new! Thank you so much!
(April 7,2023)
French President is visiting the Chinese Guangzhou City today.The
runners from France to the Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM) on May
1st before 2020 have become the
3rd largest number of overseas runners.French language is becoming
the working languang of the Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM)!
Thank you all very much!
(21:38 Beijing Time April 6,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Paul Mitchell from Hongkong/Great Britain has
registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May
1st,2023 via
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank Paul and thank everyone very much! Have a
very nice day to you all!
(10:30AM Beijing Time April 6,2023)
Happening Now: A 64-year-old Frank told us a moment ago via his
friend that he wants to register to run the full marathon of the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to
be held on May 1st,2023.Thank Frank and thank his friend and thank
all the runners,old and new,very much.Have a very nice day to you
(07:37 Beijing Time April 5,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Fauna Wilton from Canada has registered the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.Fauna will
run together with her sister
Christa and together with their team.Thank Fauna and thank every
runner from all over the world very much! A very nice day to you
(20:18 Beijing Time April 4,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Igor Stankovic from Serbia has registered the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank Igor and thank everyone very much! Have a
very nice day to you all!
(10:28AM Beijing Time April 4,2023)
Good News: Now the express train from Hongkong to Beijing is open
from April 1st,2023.It departs Hongkong West Kowloon Railway Station
at 11:00AM every day and
arrives at Beijing West Station at 19:30 the same day.It stops at
Shenzhen North and Guangzhou South.The express train fare is
1179.05CNY(equivalent to around US
$173.00).We suggest the runners from Hongkong and from Southeast
Asia and the Oceania countries can make use of this very nice train
if your flight tickets to Beijing
is more expensive than the train fare for the 22nd Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1st,2023! We can help you to book the train
tickets free of service charge if
you need.
(10:18AM Beijing Time April 3rd,2023)
Happening Now: Ms.Stander told us a moment ago that her husband and
her kids would like to participate the 22nd Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1st,2023 and asked
us to book another twin room for them.Thank all your family of 6
people very much,and also thank all the world runners very much
whose names have not been mentioned
here! Have a very nice new week to you all!
(6:30AM Beijing Time April 2nd,2023)
Happening Now: Olivier and Fauna are on the way for registering the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.Thank
you all very much and thank all
your teams very much! We welcome more runners from all over the
world for participating the first international marathon gathering
in Beijing after the past 3 years!
Up till now,runners from 20 countries and regions have already
registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1st,2023!Thank everyone very much!
(2:08PM Beijing Time April 1st,2023)
Happening Now: The registered William told us a moment ago that some
more of his friends might be interested in running the 22nd Great
Wall of China Marathon on May
1st,2023.Thank Wiiliam and his friends and all the world runners
very much!
(11:18 Beijing Time March 31,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Sam Tan from Malaysia is registering the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023. Thank Sam
and thank all the world runners very
(20:18 New York Time March 30,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Anna Jank from USA has registered the 22nd Great
Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.We welcome more
runners join this first
international marathon race party again in Beijing China after the
past three years! Thank you all very much every day!
(11:36 Beijing Time March 30,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Evan Vars from USA has just registered the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.We welcome
more runners join this first
international marathon race party again in Beijing China after the
past three years! Thank you all very much every day!
(16:07 New York Time March 29,2023)
Tomorrow,we will have the Webinar with an USA sports company for the
best serving our worldwide runners in almost every aspects of
(16:33 New York Time March 28,2023)
Free Hotel: Join Tibet Run or Tibet Tours from May 2,2023
(23:55 Frankfurt Time March 27,2023)
Happening Now:We just sent the suppliment letter to Torsten in
Germany for applying the visa to China for the Roof of the World
Marathon 2023,the second day after the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023.Thank the whole
world runners very much today!
(15:11 New York Time March 26,2023)
Happening Now:Miss.Cora Chan is on the way for registration of the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.Thank
Cora and thank the whole world
runners very much today!
(07:17 Beijing Time March 25,2023)
A Budget Way to Beijing China from your Country/Region
(04:18AM Beijing Time March 24,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Nelson Del Carpio from Peru has just registered
the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
and thank everyone very much! Have a very nice day to you all!
(08:03AM Beijing Time March 23,2023)
Good morning,everyone,this morning,we will send the confirmation
letters to some runners who registered the 22nd Great Wall of China
Marathon on May 1st,2023 and the
Roof of the World Marathon 2023 via ACTIVE.COM and
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM. Have a very nice day to you all!
(08:08AM Beijing Time March 22,2023)
Happening Now: On Monday and Tuesday,we sent the official letters to
the runners in Thailand and in Germany for the visa application to
China for the 22nd Great Wall
of China Marathon on May 1st,2023 and the Roof of the World Marathon
2023 together.If you are now not in China and would like to register
the races,we would be able to
help you in this aspect.Thank all the world runners very much today!
(07:18AM Beijing Time March 21,2023)
Happening Now: Emilie is organizing a team to participate the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023. Thank Emilie and thank
all your team members! Thank
all the world runners very much today!
(08:08AM Beijing Time March 20,2023)
A very beautiful and very successful day to everyone! All the
runners who will be at the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1st,2023 and the Roof of the World
Marathon 2023 will have a life-time wonderful memory for your epic
races! The registration will last till the end of April 2023!We will
continue to do much more for
(11:58 Beijing Time March 19,2023)
Happening Now:Lisa and Wanglin have just registered the 22nd Great
Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.Thank you all very
much and thank the whole world
runners very much!
(20:30 Beijing Time,March 18,2023)
Happening Now:We are extremely happy to know a mother will bring her
three children and her husband to the 22nd Great Wall of China
Marathon to be held on May
1st,2023.She said the grandmother of the three children will be in
the race,too! Thank all the world runners very much every day!
(9:30AM Beijing Time March 17,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Alana Carson from USA has just registered the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023. Thank
Alana and all your family and
thank all the world runners very much!
(23:58 Beijing Time March 16,2023) Mr.Soeiro from Macau is planning
to participate the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1st,2023.Thank all the world runners
very much every day!
(14:33 Beijing Time March 16,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Elizabeth Mendoza Zagal from Mexico registered
the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.
Thank Elizabeth and thank all the
world runners very much every day!
(22:58 Beijing Time March 15,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Gowri Muralidhar from Canada has just registered
the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
Gowri and thank everyone very much! Have a very nice day to you all!
(16:18 Beijing Time March 15,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.LIZZ from Columbia is registering the 22nd Great
Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023. Thank LIZZ and
thank all the world runners very
much every day!
(23:58 Beijing Time March 14,2023)
Mr.Richard Volle registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1st,2023 via ACTIVE.COM,Richard will run the 42K.Thank all the
world runners very much every
(9:38 Beijing Time March 14,2023)
Good News to every runners: When overseas people coming to China,the
PCR Test is not required,and from March 15,2023,China begins to
issue the tourist visa(L Visa) to
the world people.
(13:58 Beijing Time March 13,2023)
Happening Now:Miss.Katarina Milanovic and Mr.James Melisek from
Canada have just registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to
be held on May 1st,2023 via
ACTIVE.COM.Thank you two and thank the whole world runners very much
! Have a very happy new week!
(21:38 Beijing Time March 12,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Joshua Ingram from USA registered the 22nd Great
Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank Joshua and thank
everyone very much!
(11:30AM Beijing Time March 12,2023)
Happening Now: This morning,Mr.Ryan Meraw and Miss.Mariam Sheikh
from Canada registered the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be
held on May 1st,2023 via
WORLDSMARATHONS.COM.Thank Ryan and Mariam and thank everyone very
(23:33 Beijing Time March 11,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Gregory Stevens who ran the 18th Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1st,2019 registered again to run the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1st,2023.Thank Mr.Stevens and thank the whole world runners again
(11:58 Beijing Time March 10,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Bernhard Heeren from Germany registered the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023 via
ACTIVE.COM.Thank Mr.Heeren and thank the
whole world runners very much every day!
(15:38 Beijing Time March 9,2023)
Happening Now: Miss.Lexi Forstrom from USA has just registered the
22nd Great Wall of China Marathon 2023 to be held on May
1st,2023.And Mr.Bornhard is now
registering.Thank you all very much.A very happy day to you all and
to everyone!
(March 8,2023)
A German runner will fly to Beijing at the end of April,he will not
only run the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023 but
also the Roof of the World
Marathon 2023 starting from the next day!Welcome to run together
with him!
(March 7,2023)
The express train from Hongkong to Beijing will be in operation from
early April 2023,and the new express railway between Laos and China
will open the passenger trains
from mid March,all these and more will much benefit the world
runners to the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023 and
the Roof of the World Marathon 2023!
Thank you all very much today!
(11:38AM Beijing Time March 6,2023)
Happening Now:20 minutes ago,Miss.Andriana Ramirez from USA has
finished registering the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon to be
held on May 1st,2023.Thank Andriana
and thank all your group/team very much!
(9:18AM Beijing Time March 6,2023)
GWCM2023: Lufthansa,the Perfect Connection ! Thank you all very
much,and have a very happy,nice and fruitful new week!
(20:30 Beijing Time March 3rd,2023)
Happening Now: Mr.Mower from United Kingdom is registering the 22nd
Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2023.Thank Mr.Mower and
thank the whole world runners very
much! A very happy weekend to everyone! We work 24-hour every day
for you all!
(March 2nd,2023)
Some of the World Active Runners in February to the 22nd Great Wall
of China Marathon to be held on May 1st,2023.Thank you all very
(March 1st,2023)
How to Register the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon 2023 and
Reserve the Official Hotel together EASILY
Thank you all very much,the world runners,for your
warmth support every day! We also thank all the world runners,who
have registered and who will register to run the 22nd Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1st,2023!
You can use any of the below registration links for registering now:
The social media has paused
for some time already except Tiktok/Douyin in China.Sorry we would not be able to
reply you and communicate with you there.
Guihua Zhu
Great Wall of China Marathon(GWCM)
Yifan Zhu
