A Word to the around 20
Runners who failed to
come to the Great Wall of China Marathon in the past 3 years!(Jan.6,2024)
1)We keep on informing our runners ,here is the news in May 2023
Picture: Review about the 22nd Great Wall of China Marathon
2023!(May 9,2023)
Here is the paragraph:
The 21st Great Wall of China Marathon 2022 should be the most
difficult year in Beijing,and about 20 runners could not come for
the race,we are very happy to see that some of them came and
realized their dream finally on May 1st,2023! And in 2023,three
registered runners failed to come for the race,all your entries are
valid,as we wrote that your entry will be permanently valid,you can
come for the Great Wall of China Marathon 2023-Autumn on Sunday
October 29,2023 or the 23rd Great Wall of China Marathon on May
1st,2024 or any of your convenient coming year!
2)In November 2023,we also keep on telling our runners in the news
All the Great Wall Marathon Runners Are Inspiring the World(November
and here is the paragraph:
We welcome you all,about 20 runners have not been able to come to
the race,your entries are permanent.We wait for you at your
convienient time! As you know the international flights tickets to
Beijing were over 2,000USD to 10,000USD in the past three years!
It is now just starting from around 300USD to around 1000USD for the
round international flight tickets from any corner of the
world(overseas) to Beijing China.
3)Every runners are in our mind,and you can see such situation with
the specific names and their photos in the past 22 years of how we
treat our runners:
If you follow our website with the updates,you would have a very
wonderful time at the Great Wall of China Marathon and happy every
day for your preparation even for just one year or your whole
life,we wait for you.Thank you all very much and have a very happy
The registration links of the 23rd Great Wall of China Marathon on
May 1st,2024:
The Roof of the World Marathon
Registration links:
