Age Categories: Great Wall of
China Marathon on May 1st.2024(April
We are delighted to inform
you that the 23rd Great Wall of China Marathon, scheduled for May
1st, 2024 in Beijing, will include age categories in the rankings.
The age categories for this event are as follows:
1) Runners under the age of 16
2) Runners between the ages of 16 and 45
3) Runners over the age of 45
4) Runners over the age of 60, including 60.
For the past 22 years, we have consistently recognized the top three
runners in the marathon, half marathon, 10K, and 5K races for both
men and women. Starting from this year's event on May 1st, we are
introducing the aforementioned age categories. The top three
participants in each category will be honored, although we totally
do not encourage all participants to solely focus on achieving a top
three position.
Below here is the total
registraton links for the Great Wall of China Marathon
2024-Autumn,together with the upcoming Great Wall of China Marathon
on May 1st,2024 in Beijing and the Roof of the World Marathon 2025
in Tibet!
1) GWCM2024
The 23rd Great Wall of China Marathon 2024
Date: May 1st,2024
Express Registration:
2) GWCM2024-Autumn
Great Wall of China Marathon 2024-Autumn
Date: Sunday October 27,2024
Express Registration:
3) ROWM2025
The Roof of the World Marathon 2025
Period: May 2-9,2025
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please
do not hesitate to contact us.Thank you all very much!
Optional Tours for the 23rd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2024
Beijing:Optional Tours for the
23rd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2024
Total Registration List of the Great Wall of China Marathon/the Roof
of the World Marathon in 2024
Very Useful:Some Basic Info for Preparing and Running the 23rd Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1st,2024

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